Healthy & Hopeful Lifestyle

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Using Alkaline Water For Breast Cancer Yoga

Breast Cancer Yoga offers Alkaline Water Systems for breast cancer prevention and recovery. Alkaline water helps hydrate the body during a yoga practice as well as aiding in cancer prevention.
How To Use Alkaline Water
​Use Alkaline water for drinking and cooking. Alkaline water helps your body hydrate as it flushes all the toxins and waste from your body. Use with all your daily water consumption to maintain a pH balanced body that helps prevent cancer.
How Alkaline Water Prevents Cancer
When you drink Alkaline water, you are drinking water with excess oxygen, which is very stable because it is mated with positively ionized Alkaline minerals. The alkaline mineral is used to detoxify poisonous acid compounds and when that happens, the hydroxyl ion is freed to supply excess oxygen to the cells to prevent the development of malignant cells. 

The Source For A Complementary Holistic Approach To Breast Cancer